Thursday, August 21, 2014

Solitude Vs. Loneliness

Often noticed people posting on the social networking sites the word ‘solitude’ instead of ‘loneliness’ and vice versa. There is a difference between them and being an admirer of words, I thought why not to post something short, throwing light on the dissimilarity between them.

Imagine yourself sitting on the pebble bank of the serene lake under the canopy of a tree at midday. Cool air with a tinge of spring wafts over the pristine water, rippling its surface, creating kaleidoscopic shimmers. And finally the wind touches your face, brushing away your exhaustion. A relief floods within you and you cannot stop yourself from leaning back to the trunk, allowing yourself to ease with this natural therapy. You feel something unique, something calming your mind. A smile splits your face and you drift your gaze sideways, searching for someone to share this divine feeling. But all you find is yourself. And for the first time, you realize you always wished to be alone in the nature’s lap, away from the wretchedness of social worries and human interruptions, though for a short while. Slowly, your eyelids become heavier and finally the world darkens, but your ear catches every sound – squeaking of squirrels, chirping of birds, everything – loud and clear.

Can you imagine it? If yes, allow me to put you in another situation.

Think of the dark room and a square of its floor is illumined by the beam of moonlight, slanting through the nearby window. And in that lighted area you are sitting, your arms embracing your knees, your head slumped. You are just desperate to go out of that grim room, but can’t. It’s locked. You want to talk to someone. You shriek, but all you receive back is your own words, echoing from the darkness. Guilt chokes your throat and you feel that your fate is cursed ill. Because life is not going the way you have dreamed of. Instead, in every walk of life, either your trust was shattered or failure hindered your progress. You want someone who can understand you, who can support you. But when you look around, you find yourself alone.

Terrible condition, isn’t it?

In both situations, you are alone, yet the difference between them is clear like crystal. In first, you feel happiness and peace. While in the other case, you curse yourself. Well, that’s the thin line between these two words – ‘solitude’ and ‘loneliness’.

While solitude provides an opportunity to dive in the depths of one’s mind, loneliness attract negative vibes. And, that’s the reason why saints prefer solitude and heartbroken choose loneliness

Decision always rests upon you. Either be peaceful in solitude or repent in loneliness.

I hope I’ve justified these two words and if their true meanings are still blurred then I can suggest you one book – Dictionary!


  1. True.. Especially that line at the end about saints and the heartbroken...
    Solitude is something we sometimes look to attain to be by outlrselves... Loneliness is thrust upon us more often than not, a choice we don't really have much say in..
    Nice one :)

    1. Thank You, Sir, for taking out your time and commenting.
