Wednesday, November 13, 2013

[Sneak Peek] A King's Shadow - A Novellete

Riar found himself on the peak of the Pearl Mountains. He looked down to his town. Bellatora was just a cluster of grey specks from that height. Suddenly, the air filled with ravenous howls of wolves. Panicked, Riar turned around but found nothing. Still the unseen beasts’ growls echoed in his ears. He wanted to run away but could not. An icy layer crawled up his legs, freezing his movements.  “Help!” he wanted to cry but his voice choked in his throat. And, then the howling subsided.

His eyes bulged as he saw the grey clouds parting with unnatural speed as if fierce wind blew them away. The sun rose with pinkish hue, brightening more and more as it scampered to the roof of the heaven and, then it descended and disappeared behind the Pearl Mountains, leaving Riar in utter darkness. The whole day passed in the matter of few moments.

Riar noticed a faint green glow at the horizon. It brightened. Slowly great emerald ribbons of light emanated from it, snaking skywards. Its brilliant luminance faded the shining of the stars and the whole world beneath bathed in its jade light.

“Northern lights,” Riar gasped.

The curtains of lights stopped as his whisper interfered its progress. Then it poured on him with lightening speed, blinding him. He struggled to keep his eye open but could not. The radiance was too bright.

“You failed us,” a voice boomed. Riar hadn’t heard such strange voice ever. It was like a man’s voice overlapped with a woman’s.

With dwindling courage, Riar managed to open his eyes. Over his sides, the green glowing river continued to flow. Then he noticed something materializing from those sparkling walls. A man.

“My Lord,” he said.

“She is still not safe, Shadow. You broke your promise,” the man thundered, his voice still the blend of two genders.

“Believe me, my lord,” Riar yelled, “She is safe and sound.”


The icy layer began its domination over his torso, freezing his blood, numbing his senses. Then it covered him whole, draining his life out of him.

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