Before you read this post, let me tell you something about it. Being a high-fantasy fanatic, I always desired to create my own secondary world with its own myths and legends as a base for my stories. The Shattered Isles is a result of such craziness. Highly inspired from the Tolkein's Middle-Earth, I finally managed to scribble the myth, legends and geology of The Shattered Isles. Now, if you wish to continue, then read on...

say, before the birth of time, even before forging of the First Star, there was Highfather,
the Creator. For eons, he recklessly
wandered into his realm of the eternal darkness and solitude.
a thought bloomed, and with that something sparkled in the gloom. He marveled at
its brilliance for he had not seen anything other than the endless murkiness.Still ignorant about his ample powers and fact
that he had forged the First Star, starting
the wheel of time, he mused what it could be. Another shone nearby it. Then
another. And it went until the first galaxy clustered.
With the dawn of truth, Highfather channeled his forces to
shape his divine imaginations. Glittering galaxies soon replaced the darkness,
but the Creator continued to think
again and again the same thought, and thus the universe expanded. But with
every creation, part of his energy depleted, as it transformed thoughts into
realities. Weakened and feared, with his left over energy he made three
entities, offsprings of his thoughts, to look after his creation. Exhausted and
pleased with his designs, Highfather
slipped into sleep of eternities, leaving his three children to complete his
The One, the elder sibling, with his incomparable powers sculpted
Alkreta, the first world of living. It was a great mass of land surrounded by
blessed waters. Mountains were raised, their proud peaks piercing the clouds.
Rivers stretched and snaked all over the land.
Lady, the goddess of life and wisdom,
infused herself in Alkreta. Life began to thrive and flourished. Forests
greened the deserted land. And in those deep forests, Firstborn, the first race
of men appeared. Firstborn amused the Lady
and so she bestowed her knowledge to them. They soon began to explore the area,
and with learnings from the Lady,
they prospered over Alkreta. While other creatures and tribes continued to
progress in their own way.
But the Black One, the youngest of Highfather,
could not tolerate the happiness and harmony of Alkreta. He was born to destroy
worlds. He was a lord of chaos and destruction. So to placate his desires, he deceived
the Lady to instil life to his
creations. Unaware about his real intentions, the Lady divulged the secret of life to him. Soon, free lands of Alkreta
began to suffer her mistake.
by one, empires of Firstborn fell under the shadows of the Black One. But, there were some who resisted his malice. Allied
with the other beings, Firstborn marched towards the gathering dark forces.
Swords clashed against the shields. Spears pierced the fleshes. Victory was near, but
the powers of the Black One could not
be challenged. Heroes failed. Empires crushed into rumbles. And, when the hope of humanity was about to fade, there was a
bright flash of light and the One
all their might and magic, the One
and the Black One fought for years.
The ground trembled and riven stone to stone. The seas boiled. Mountains
cracked. And all living envied the dead. The catastrophic battle raged for
centuries until the One confronted the Black One, and sealed him in the Vault, an enduring prison in the darkest
corner of the universe, where the light of the brightest star fail to reach.
aftermath of supreme beings broke the once united Alkreta into small pieces,
the Shattered Isles.
Against all odds and sufferings,
life once again blossomed.
But, the Lady would never forget what had transpired. For she believed The Breaking was all her fault.
But, the Lady would never forget what had transpired. For she believed The Breaking was all her fault.
Epic! The best myth ever read. Keep it up. Just love the way you express.
ReplyDeleteJe baat...i guess all those books you've been reading are finally beginning to pay off...nice work bro!!keep it up!
ReplyDeleteyeh chandu ....superb ... (y) keep it up :)